Environmental Policies

To fulfill our social responsibility to help preserve the environment, we will strive to contribute to environmental preservation through all of our activities, and to reduce the environmental impact of our operations on an ongoing basis.

  1. We will understand and follow our legal obligations and other commitments we may make with respect to the environment.
  2. To prevent the depletion of resources, we will raise the efficiency of our resource use, and move toward the use of recyclable and recoverable resources.
  3. Each of our employees will participate in our environmental protection activities, and strive to enhance their environmental understanding and awareness.
  4. To reduce our environmental footprint, we will periodically set goals for our environmental policies and objectives, conduct progress reviews, and strive to continuously upgrade those policies and objectives.

April 1, 2016
Takuhiro Kaita
Representative Director and President

Our Principal Environmental Activities

  1. Caring for the Environment
    Example: reductions in herbicide usage at our Yuki Plant in Ibaraki as part of our green plant and forestation activities.
  2. Efficient Resource Use
    Example: striving to reduce the volume of petrochemicals used in our operations through process enhancements as part of our Kansai Plant operational improvement program.

Product Quality Policy

S-VANCE's management philosophy is founded upon the principles of Trust, Coexistence and Challenge. As we conduct our business activities, our goal is to be a trusted company capable of acting as a true partner for our customers. Through our product quality management system, we will strive to offer quality products and services that meet customer needs.

We will work to become an enterprise capable of responding swiftly to market conditions, with a profit-forming structure and competitive core technologies. This will earn the trust of our customers and ensure our stable, continuous growth.

  1. We will ascertain customer needs (quality, cost, and time to delivery) both qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on that information, we will carry out a Company-wide implementation plan.
  2. The implementation plan will be effectively and positively carried out on a continuous basis. This will ensure the satisfaction of our customers and contribute to the Company's development.
  3. Awareness and joint responsibility for implementation of the plan will be propagated throughout the Company, so that every employee can do their part to autonomously contribute to the plan, thus ensuring its reliability.
  4. Plan policies will be set annually, and each business unit will have semi-annual product quality targets. Progress evaluations and formulation of the needed responses will be carried out management reviews.

April 1, 2016
Takuhiro Kaita
Representative Director and President

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